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About Us

UMMAH MUSLIM CONVERTS ABILITY (UMCA) Foundation, born in 2015, stands tall as a beacon for those embracing Islam anew. Our mission is clear: to uncover and address the unique needs of individuals navigating the path of Islam for the first time. We're not just a foundation; we're a force committed to offering social, educational, spiritual, and financial support. Our projects are designed to spark transformative shifts, empowering both fresh Muslim converts and the communities that cradle them.

In the heart of Uganda, despite grappling with limited resources, our direct community outreach and strategic use of media platforms have welcomed 715 new converts. Yet, beneath this success, a stark truth emerges – a lack of sustained support for the vulnerable and the freshly converted. This realization thrusts UMCA into a pivotal role, standing as the pioneer organization in East Africa since 1844. We're here to empower, counsel, guide, and comfort those who embark on the transformative journey into Islam. The journey is ancient, but our commitment is unwaveringly modern.

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Our Vision

Our vision is not just a commitment; it's a bold pledge to cultivate an atmosphere of unparalleled inclusivity and support.

Picture a space where those embracing Islam aren't just welcomed but propelled into a realm of empowerment and respect, ensuring their seamless blending into the community without compromise. This vision is a symphony of comprehensive support—social, educational, financial, and spiritual—a toolkit designed to arm new Muslim converts with unwavering confidence, resilience, and an unshakable sense of belonging as they navigate their transformative journey into Islam. Our ultimate goal is to sculpt a community where every new convert doesn't just fit in but thrives, feeling not just accepted but cherished, and empowered to be a force for positive change in society.

Our Mission

Empowering Converts to Redefine Communities through Paradigm-Shifting Initiatives:

Our mission isn't just a statement; it's the heartbeat of UMCA Foundation, pulsating with a commitment to decipher the intricate needs of new Muslim Converts navigating the uncharted realms of Islam.
We don't merely acknowledge challenges; we confront them head-on—socially, economically, spiritually, and educationally. It's not just about personal growth; it's about crafting empowered individuals who emerge as catalysts for seismic positive change within their communities.

Our mission extends beyond individual empowerment; it's a symphony of transformation, orchestrating a ripple effect where embraced beliefs become a driving force for change, elevating vulnerable communities, and sculpting a more inclusive, supportive tapestry for all. Through this revolutionary approach, UMCA Foundation envisions a cohort of empowered individuals, forging paths of contribution and societal betterment while embracing their newfound faith. This is not just a mission; it's a movement, a distinctive call to redefine the narrative of empowerment and community upliftment.

Core Values

1. Empowering Transformations: We empower new converts, fostering confidence and resilience on their transformative journey into Islam.

2. Inclusivity and Acceptance: Our core value is creating an atmosphere of belonging, ensuring every individual embracing Islam feels cherished within our inclusive community.

3. Comprehensive Support: We provide holistic support—social, educational, financial, and spiritual—equipping new Muslim converts for a successful journey into Islam.

4. Social Justice and Advocacy: We advocate for social justice, standing as a voice for the vulnerable, promoting understanding, tolerance, and positive societal change. 5. Community Development and Collaboration: Our commitment lies in strengthening interfaith cooperation, creating a harmonious environment for shared responsibility, and fostering prosperity for all.



Skill Development Workshops:
Equip converts with marketable skills through vocational training in areas like tailoring, carpentry, or agriculture, enabling them to find sustainable employment and support their families.

Literacy Programs:
Address illiteracy within communities, empowering individuals to access information, engage in civic life, and participate in further education.

Leadership Training:
Cultivate future leaders from within the community by providing leadership training and mentorship programs for young converts.


Community Outreach Programs:
Organize volunteering initiatives where converts and community members collaborate on projects like building infrastructure, improving sanitation, or providing healthcare services.

Advocacy and Awareness Campaigns:
Raise awareness about the challenges faced by vulnerable communities and advocate for policy changes that promote social justice and inclusion.

Interfaith Dialogue Initiatives:
Foster interfaith understanding and cooperation through dialogues, joint community events, and educational programs promoting tolerance and respect for diverse beliefs.


Welcoming Ceremonies:
Organize interfaith welcoming ceremonies for new converts to foster acceptance and build bridges between communities.

Mentorship Programs:
Pair new converts with established members of different faiths to provide guidance and support as they navigate their journey into Islam.

Joint Religious Service Initiatives:
Organize interfaith prayer services or celebrations to showcase shared values and promote collaboration for community improvement.


Microfinance Programs:
Empower local entrepreneurs with small loans and financial literacy training to establish sustainable businesses and create employment opportunities.

Healthcare Initiatives:
Organize mobile clinics or partner with healthcare providers to deliver essential medical services to rural communities.

Educational Scholarships:
Provide scholarships to promising students from underprivileged backgrounds to pursue higher education and contribute to community development.


Quran Study Circles:
Organize regular Quran study circles where converts and community members can learn together, deepen their understanding of Islam, and strengthen their faith.

Interfaith Dialogue Initiatives:
Foster interfaith understanding and cooperation through dialogues, joint community events, and educational programs promoting tolerance and respect for diverse beliefs.

Youth Programs:
Organize youth programs that combine Islamic education with recreational activities and social engagement, fostering a sense of belonging and positive identity among young converts.

Hajj, Umrah and Ziarat:
To encourage, promote, and organize Hajj, Umrah, and Ziarat visits to places of historical and religious significance (Mecca and Medina) for the converts.

Join us in making a difference:

- Donate to support our expansion and diversification initiatives.
- Volunteer your time and expertise to strengthen our outreach efforts.
- Spread awareness about UMCA's work and inspire others to get involved.

Together, we can build a world where every new Muslim convert finds the support, resources, and opportunities to thrive, shaping a future filled with hope, independence, and community.

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Contact Info

  • info@umcafoundation.org
  • +256 754 700 300
  • www.umcafoundation.org
  • Plot 2-3, 14th Close, Namuwongo Road